Publish date: 09 Aug 2017

This notice provides information about the continuation of Phase 1 of the Inquiry’s hearings and about the commencement of Phase 2 of the Inquiry’s hearings. There is also information about applying for “leave to appear” for the first case study in the Phase 2 hearings.

Continuation of Phase 1, beginning Tuesday 31 October 2017

On Tuesday 31 October the Inquiry will resume hearing evidence relating to Phase 1 of its investigations. This will include further expert evidence from Professor Norrie and from Professor Kendrick.

There is no need for those granted to leave to appear for the earlier part of the Phase 1 hearings to reapply; existing grants of leave to appear in relation to Phase 1 remain valid.

Commencement of Phase 2

Phase 2 will begin on Tuesday 28 November 2017. During Phase 2 the Inquiry will examine evidence it has ingathered, researched and analysed relating to residential child care establishments run by Catholic Orders. This phase will start with a case study about residential child care establishments run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, with a particular focus on:

    • the establishment known as Smyllum Park in Lanark, and
    • the establishment known as Bellevue House in Rutherglen.

That case study will end no later than 22 December.

What’s involved in having “leave to appear” is explained here on the Inquiry’s website. There are also application forms on the website. At this stage, applications may be made for leave to appear for the whole or part of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul case study. Anyone wishing to apply should do so as soon as possible and, in any event, no later than 4 September 2017

Members of the public do not need “leave to appear” to listen and watch hearings from the public areas in the Inquiry venue. They are welcome to do so at any time.