Current Investigation

Phase 8: The abuse of children in residential accommodation for young offenders and children, and young persons in need of care and protection.

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peaople in a meeting

Evidence Hub

Search the Evidence Hub for documents including Witness Statements, Transcripts of Hearings, Case Study Findings, and Reports by Care Providers.

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People in a meeting in front of a computer

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If you want to share your experience, we can explain what’s involved and support you at every step. We have made a series of videos with BSL translations that explain how the Inquiry works.

Video guide to the Inquiry

Our recently published news items

The most recent case studies, videos and articles relating to the ongoing work of the Inquiry.

You can search for older news items on our News page.

Lady smith

Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry publishes twelfth case study findings

Lady Smith, Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, has today (Wednesday 19 June) published her findings relating to the provision of residential care for children at Gordonstoun, Moray and its associated junior school, Aberlour.

case study findings

Case Study no. 9: Volume 3

The provision of residential care in boarding schools for children at Gordonstoun, Moray, between 1934 and 2021.
Evidential Hearings: 26 March 2021 to 11 November 2021.

The Meadows, Edinburgh

Newsletter Spring/Summer 2024

The Inquiry has published its Spring/Summer 2024 newsletter.

Lady Smith discussing findings.

Inquiry announces Phase 9 of investigations

This announcement provides further information about a future Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) case study.


Our progress

Some statistics from the Inquiry's investigations.

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Pages of evidence analysed

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Witness statements published

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Days of hearings to date