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All relevant evidence will be considered, analysed and used as appropriate including during hearings, when preparing findings, preparing interim reports and when preparing the final report and recommendations. 

Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing. 

Evidences list

Witness Statements note icon

(Steve) LCR Witness Statement

This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness (Steve) LCR to the Inquiry. The evidence was heard at Inquiry Hearings on 29 May 2018 and 05 June 2019 and read in at an Inquiry Hearing on 05 July 2024.

Witness Statements note icon

(Alec) MGW Witness Statement

This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness (Alec) MGW to the Inquiry. The evidence was heard at an Inquiry Hearing on 11 June 2019 and read in at an Inquiry Hearing on both 23 January 2024, 25 March 2024, and 26 April 2024.

Witness Statements note icon

(Barry) MBH Witness Statement

This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness (Barry) MBH to the Inquiry. The evidence was read in at an Inquiry Hearing on both 6th June 2019 and 25 March 2024.

Child Migration documents note icon

Child Migrants - Gordon Lynch - Updated analysis on alleged abusers at four Christian Brothers institutions in Western Australia

Documents relating to the Child Migration case study

Reports by Care Providers note icon

Christian Brothers Closing Submission - 12th July 2019

Closing Submission submitted to the Inquiry with regard to St Ninian's, Falkland.

Reports by Care Providers note icon

Christian Brothers - Section 21 Response - Parts C-D Addendum (St Ninian's, Falkland)

These reports were submitted to the Inquiry by Christian Brothers in response to notices issued under the Inquiries Act 2005 requiring them to provide information relating to St Ninian's, Falkland.

Reports by Care Providers note icon

Christian Brothers Section 21 Response - Parts C-D (St Ninian's, Falkland)

These reports were submitted to the Inquiry by Christian Brothers in response to notices issued under the Inquiries Act 2005 requiring them to provide information relating to St Ninian's, Falkland.

Reports by Care Providers note icon

Christian Brothers Section 21 Response - Parts A-B Addendum (St Ninian's, Falkland)

These reports were submitted to the Inquiry by Christian Brothers in response to notices issued under the Inquiries Act 2005 requiring them to provide information relating to St Ninian's Falkland.

Reports by Care Providers note icon

Christian Brothers Section 21 Response - Parts A-B - St Ninian's, Falkland

These reports were submitted to the Inquiry by Christian Brothers in response to notices issued under the Inquiries Act 2005 requiring them to provide information relating to St Ninian's, Falkland.

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