All relevant evidence will be considered, analysed and used as appropriate including during hearings, when preparing findings, preparing interim reports and when preparing the final report and recommendations.
Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.
Evidences list
Day 426 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Robert) HQB and (Scott) HDU and the read in evidence of witnesses (Sandy) HYE, (Bertie) GCA, (Duncan) GKJ, (Bill) HMR and (David) GSJ.
Day 425 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witness Eddie Frizzell.
Day 424 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from Susanne Millar of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.
Day 423 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses Dee Buchanan, (Rizzo) MQW and (Pierre) GMX.
Day 422 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Petrie) IQZ, (Marshall) GCX and (Lynn) HJK.
Day 421 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Michael) GFR, (Peter) IQF and (Chelsea) KHW.
Day 420 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Gary) GRF and (Buster) HGX and the read in evidence of witness William Bauros.
Day 419 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witness (Dexter) HPJ and the read in evidence of witnesses (Derek) ILH, (Carol) EWX, (Mac) GPP, (Heather) GJA, (Robert) GSE, (Frank) MXZ and (CC) BCY.
Day 418 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witness (Allan) ILY and the read in evidence of witnesses (Callum) GCW, (Trevor) GDK, (Alec) GDP, (Philip) GNH, (Bill) BEP and (Sarah) GGA.